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Capture d’écran 2020-12-02 à
Capture d’écran 2020-12-02 à

Contribute to the economic and social development of craft communities

AS'ART actively participates in the economic and social development of the countries in which it is involved. All of the orders we place with our artisans are equivalent to several hundred full-time jobs. We encourage, whenever possible and desirable, the work of women at home. Finally, our projects greatly contribute to the sedentarization of agricultural populations. Our autonomy and our requirement in the field allow us to maintain a healthy and lasting relationship with our local partners. Despite the delays and transport difficulties, we are keen to maintain the special and trusting bond with our artisans as well as with our loyal and enlightened customers in order to continue to offer each other this positive relationship between these countries. Africa and the rest of the world.

Encourage and promote traditional know-how and offer quality products

Passionate, the term is not strong enough ..., through natural materials and everyday objects, we communicate and share our enthusiasm truly and concretely with the craftsmen. In doing so, we encourage them to cultivate and even awaken traditional and rare know-how, real cultural treasures, in order to awaken in them a feeling of pride. Our local partners are showing more and more concern to deliver us ever more qualitative products.

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